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Wellbeing, Connection and Change – Insights from a Psychologist

Three opportunities for impact emerged from MillerKnoll’s ongoing research and discussions with clients about their most pressing needs: Wellbeing, Connection and Change.

We asked Dr Sally Augustin to explore these 3 themes to understand how companies can support employee wellbeing, foster connection, and navigate change.

She will give insights from her vast experience as an environmental psychologist, helping us understand how space affects cognitive performance, behaviours and outcomes 

 (Those attending  the afternoon session in person will also be offered a tour of the new MillerKnoll London location in St John's Square, Clerkenwell)

Speaker: Dr Sally Augustin

Sally Augustin, PhD, is a practising environmental psychologist and a principal at Design With Science. She has extensive experience integrating neuroscience-based insights to develop recommendations for the design of places, objects, and services that support desired cognitive, emotional, and physical outcomes/experiences. Her client base is worldwide and includes organisations that produce and/or use design solutions (for example, design firms, manufacturers, service providers, trade organisations, design user groups).

Sally, who is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, is also the editor of Research Design Connections, a monthly subscription newsletter with daily blog, that reports and synthesises (in everyday language) the findings of recent and classic research in neuroscience, cognitive science, and the social sciences that are useful to designers. She is the author of several books and her work has been discussed in publications such as The New York Times and The Wall Street.

Dr. Augustin is affiliated with the Interdisciplinary Center for Healthy Workplaces at the University of California Berkeley. Sally earned a PhD in psychology at Claremont Graduate University, an MBA at Northwestern University’s Kellogg Graduate School of Business (majors in finance, marketing, and management information systems), and a bachelor’s degree at Wellesley College (majors in economics and American studies).

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